Wednesday, February 6, 2008


No - not the Murphy's - the lady on Wheel of Fortune tonight.

Or was she? I said "hey, the pregnant lady is cleaning house". Sarah told me she wasn't pregnant she was just wearing a shirt with an empire waist. Why ladies would you do that? I do not understand.


jersey said...

Never, ever, ask if or mention that a woman is pregnant unless you see a baby coming out of her at that moment.

Sarah said...

Stacy & Clinton could explain it to you. You want the slimmest part of you to be accentuated, and that's often going to be your rib cage. So if you have, say, tummy issues, the empire waist is going to thin you out. It's not that it makes a girl actually look pregnant, it's that it mimics maternity wear that's bothering you.

Tor said...

i agree with what sarah said...and it's exactly what stacy and clinton would say also. but, i totally did this. and in a really really bad way. to a good friend of mine.

to justify...she was a marathon runner, always super thin (we called her a baby elephant because she grazed...constantly...but she also ran like a freaking kenyan), trained even in winter, etc. i saw her in july after not seeing her since december and she had gained weight. and she was wearing an empire waisted shirt. so was our pregnant friend that night. i thought, she wouldn't gain weight on her own, she must be preggers, right? she's been married for 3 years, that sounds about right. yeah, or not.

no excuse. NEVER do it. totally agree with jersey's comments. not unless you see her birthing the thing!! thankfully she loves me anyway...and her husband had told her repeatedly not to wear the shirt because she looks pregnant! oh, and i told her she had pregnancy boobs..that helped assuage her! ha!